Saturday, November 27, 2010

Racist Dr. Seuss Illustrations and Animated Hitler

I don't know if this statement makes any sense, but when I saw these images I immediately thought, "AHhhh, my ice cream hurts!"
It's like that, something you love and grew up with- that's a part of you almost-becomes something painful.

The lorax was my shiiit, i mean, I own at least 3 thneeds.
Updated Thneed for blogging privacy below...

But yes, Dr. Seuss was among the political cartoon/caricature artists that created anti-Japanese propaganda. Check out these video and image examples.
I apologize (but don't) if this affects Oh, ya know, All the places you will go~
According to the official Dr. Seuss Website, "Seussville." This is how the story goes:

"Theodor ("Ted") Seuss Geisel was born on March 2, 1904, in Springfield, Massachusetts. His father, Theodor Robert, and grandfather were brewmasters and enjoyed great financial success for many years. Coupling the continual threats of Prohibition and World War I, the German-immigrant Geisels were targets for many slurs, particularly with regard to their heritage and livelihoods. In response, they were active participants in the pro-America campaign of World War I...
(skip to WWII)....While Ted was not an advocate of war, he knew that war against Japan and Germany was imminent. Ted contributed anywhere from 3–5 urgent political cartoons each week to PM magazine, considered by many to be a liberal publication. Despite the steady work from PM, however, Ted wanted to contribute more to the war effort."
Above image: hmmm... when you say cages- do you mean thangs like the racial incarceration of 120,000 Japanese Americans?

He developed a series of animated training films [with Warner Bros and Chuck Jones], which featured a trainee called Private Snafu. At first, many balked at the idea of a "cartoon" training series, but the younger recruits really responded to them."

Well that's what Dr. Seuss's website said. The truth is, the Private Snafu cartoons were not only racist but EXTREMELY sexist- explicitly made for only men to see. This video has some examples, but the second video below "booby trap" is blatantly offensive on so many levels.

Readers::::: Please note the following:::::
-Dr. Seuss rendered Hitler
-Nazi Moose
-Nazi tits
-A telephone booth 'Jap' Spy

In this next video, Snafu violates a 'woman' who's 'tits and ass' are matching sets of explosives. No joke.

A Video Still from video above...Snafu about to smack ass.

and another still from Private Snafu...

And if it wasn't bad enough...yeah. Hmmm Birth of a Nation + Cat in the Hat?
After all this I just have one question...

Don't eat it.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Transgender Muay Thai ::S::hero::

Meet Parinya Charoenphol, also known as Nong Toom
She is Thailand’s former Northern Region Muay Thai champion, and one of the most famous transgender people in the world.

She has recently started her own non for profit foundation "Parinya Muay Thai"
This organization has just started, and they're still raising money to build the school. But this is incredible. They're creating an LGBT positive boxing school, that is consciously GREEN. Click HERE to learn more.

The above picture is from 12 yr old boxer to 21 year old actress

Her story is amazing...

I'm quoting this from an online news source based in Malaysia.

"She started training to be a kick-boxer when she was just seven, and had her first fight at the age of 12.

Apart from her insistence on wearing lurid red lipstick while kickboxing – she started doing so at the age of 13 – she became famous for her ability to perform seldom-seen moves.

She was particularly renowned for the spectacular technique called Rue See Bod Ya (Thai for Hermit Grinding The Herbs), in which she would leap into the air and then smash her opponent’s head with her elbow as she landed.

But life in Muay Thai wasn’t always rosy, especially since she was a woman trapped in a very macho male body.

Her rise in the sport was testament to her genuine talent. By 16, she had already won 20 of her 22 career bouts, 18 by way of knockout. Then at 17, she captured the imagination of the Thai public when she made her big league debut in Bangkok’s Lumpini Boxing Ring. She sported red lips, mascara and drawn eyebrows – and proceeded to floor her opponent after five rounds.

Of her 10 years in the sport, she says: “Yes, I did feel like an animal in the zoo, but I told myself that as long as I fought like a man in the ring, no amount of make-up could cover my love for, and dedication to, Muay Thai.”

She adds: “When everyone started to see that I could knock out real men in the ring repeatedly, they began to give me some respect.”

She earned it. Her routine as a kick-boxer began every day with a 10km run at 5.30am, followed by 30 minutes of rope skipping, then punching, kicking a sandbag for close to an hour, and 300 sit-ups – with trainers hitting her abdomen repeatedly to harden it. She would break at 10am, and resume the routine from 3 to 7pm.

She kept that gruelling schedule until she turned 21, when she retired from Muay Thai and went for her sex-change operation in Bangkok. She has no regrets about the procedure, saying: “I was very happy and comfortable with myself.”

In 2003 Parinya's unique life story was made into a film, Beautiful Boxer, in 2003, directed by Ekachai Uekrongtham, the artistic director of Singapore drama company Action Theatre.

In the movie 'Nong Toom' was played by real life boxer Asanee Suwan. They are pictured here together.

She also received a Utopia Award
For 6 years the annual Utopia Awards have been recognizing individuals and organizations that have contributed to improving the quality of life for the gay, lesbian, and transgendered communities in Asia.

The unique design of the Utopia Award incorporates the shape of a lotus bud, hand-glazed with the six colors of the gay pride rainbow, using the techniques of classic Thai benjarong porcelain.

Learn more about Utopia, Asian Gay and Lesbian Resources, here

Parinya is now a successful model and actress, her recent work was a show produced in Singapore called Boxer Caberet.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Doo Wop Cunnilingus: Available on Muff Tone Records

Readers...its only a matter of time if you believe. Ridiculous, and a bit sloppy of a party favor.
I feel like this could be MUCH MORE explicit, splice it with some Lovage perhaps?
That's my critique.
But it's hard to critique you when you're letting me sit on your face.

Insert Lovage into this for true pleasure. This is my all purpose. Taking turns- that's how to say I love you.

And now for the B-Side. Seriously though? just shut up and concentrate more.

I really enjoy the spanking sound effect.
Hmm, yeah, I prefer Daptone. Horn players? you KNOW that's gotta be good.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Vampirella:::Femme Sacrificials

Reptilian monster plus woman, romance forever. Here's to future lovers.


Isn't this a clip from a Michael Jackson video hybrid? 'Thriller'
plus 'The way you make me feel'

'Be-devil you!' Because being a woman is a sin.

Hmmm did you brush yo teeth giiirl? You best have brought a dental dam...

Boot on skull. everyday, everyday.

"Who doesn't want to be deadly and beautiful?"

While I was interviewing a potential intern, an international male model dumb as rocks, he stops stares off and goes..."Wow...I mean your hair. Its so.......big."

And in this issue my life comes full circle. Mummies have the divine
drive to move, love and destroy.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Research for my Face Transplant: 他人の顔

他人の顔 translates as "The Face of Another"/ 1966 / 124 min.
Directed by: Teshigahara Hiroshi

My question you think if I received a face transplant myself, I could regain the affections of my future love in their current parallel? I would prefer that we keep this life separate from that, but it is my wish that we come together.

I am a fan of bandages and their healing properties. Masks are in this likeness.
I hope not repeat Okuyama's fate.

This is 他人の顔's plot review:

Okuyama was badly burned on his face in an accident. His face, covered with bandages attracts the glares of others, even those close to him. Rejected by his friends and even by his wife, he begins to have doubts about his past relationships with those close to him. Unable to believe in others, he begins to scheme a plan that he become “another” man with a different face and seduce his wife.
Okuyama visits a doctor of psychiatry for carrying out his plan. Interested in the clinical and scientific nature of the experiment, the doctor accepts the job of making a mask for him on the condition that Okuyama report to him all of his behaviors while wearing the mask.
After successfully creating the mask, Okuyama’s first activity as a new man is to venture out into the streets. Although Okuyama wants to become another, the feeble-minded daughter of his apartment manager discovers his true identity. Flustered, he tries out the secretary of his company to see if she can recognize him. Encouraged by her unawareness, he begins to carry out his plan to seduce his wife. His wife accepts him.

Feeling jealous at her accepting this ‘other man’, he reproaches his wife for her betrayal. To his surprise, however, she tells that she knew he was her husband from the beginning, and she leaves him.

Wandering the streets at night in a confused state, he begins talking to himself, “I cannot be identified by anyone, I am ‘another’,” he suddenly attacks a woman sexually. The policeman who arrests him thinks he is mad, and calls the doctor, whose card was found in his wallet. The doctor comes and requests that he return the mask, but Okuyama refuses.

Okuyama suddenly stabs the doctor to death.

Behind this scene, people, all with the same faces, are slowly walking away.

What happens when you are born into a severely dark culture? Is this embedded, or is this just what my face looks like? Doctor?

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Absurd and Telling: [accidental?] Hard Covers Diptychs

On my way back from New York, I really should have been doing my Asian American Studies readings, but these airport bookstores were dripping with exquisitely absurd book displays- creating hilarious but disturbing diptychs of American pop culture, religion and politics.
I think that how the books are placed together are extremely telling of how Americans consume and organize information. Sh*t my Dad would read..
Eh, whatever. It's our fault for selling ourselves for free.
Pray that he learns to tell you himself?
The End is near.

I encourage all of you to keep a critical eye at your local bookstore for these ridiculous combinations. Until next time...

Thursday, November 11, 2010

:::Catsuit Barbie will stab you with Golden Heels:::

Alright lovies, there might be a few consecutive posts on this one. Christian Louboutin has designed for a few brand new Barbies and a shit load of Barbie heels that double as obviously erotic torture devices. Yo, I know what I want for Christmas.

I'm pretty sure I tried to do this to my Barbies with black electrical tape but it wasn't nearly as sexy. I love plastic.

Stabby STAB stab Stab.

Okay, Hot pink soles. If you don't know already...this is the part that you lick after she's lacerated you with twizzlers.

Thank you Christian Louboutin for satisfying little lesbian girls with latex fetishes all over the world.

Check Back for the other outfits in the collection...

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Barbie Pink Octomom's Pink Tentacles

This is a re-blog post of:
Kitschy Kitschy Coo: Octomom's Pink Tentacles
"Nadya Suleman has now been embodied in this fine work of art, direct from the Collector's Art Mint Foundation and available only through this limited TV offer. Well, no; Daniel Edwards, the guy behind the Britney statue (literally and figuratively) has put together Souleman's likeness with two of the most awesome things ever: tentacles and disembodied baby heads. Get your Lovecraftian piece of art soon: the first 50 have a pre-order price of $199, but go up to $500 after."

I did search for 'tentacles' and found the vinyl toy 'Octomom' instead. I don't know how I feel about this woman being called 'Octomom'. In theory, the existence of an actual Octomom is AWESOME, but this is a regular woman who happens to have many children. Let's call her by her name, huh? REGARDLESS! I'm interested in sculptural toys and this reminds me of those Barbie Hairstyling heads that I never wanted but sort of wanted.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Exotic Brutality :: the Decapitated Geisha Tattoo

I have always found it highly disturbing to see a slashed up, rotting Japanese woman's decapitated head tattooed onto anyone's body. But to be real...I see a whole lot of these on white bodies.

What is there about the violently tragic (and dead) East Asian woman?

I found this quote on

"a decapitated geisha symbolizes what one would do for love. the geisha only means is to be a servant of pleasure and never to feel love...the geisha falls in love with a buddist monk knowing the penalty for this would be death. the geisha takes the chance to feel what love is and in the end is caught and beheaded. She sacrificed herself to feel and know what love is."

Okay OKAY. Hell naw. Fucka.da.diss.... First of all geisha's are not servants of pleasure. I know ya'll watched that 'memoirs' movie or read that book, but please put that ish in the incinerator and swallow the FACT that Geisha's are actually a traditional art form.

And imma say this right now.
We are sold this Disney idea of romance and heterosexual love where we sacrifice all our wishes (Aladdin) our voice (the Little Mermaid) our family/heritage (Pocahontas) for external love.
You do not have to die for love. And if you feel like you do, there is something wrong with society not you, and a true fight for love would be to change that aspect of society.
We then see this scenario played out far too many times with a white man who takes advantage of the situation, leaving the woman victim. Hello Madame Butterfly? Hello Miss Saigon? Or is this femme dragonist just a bitter child of this stereotype?
Furthermore, there is a history of women of color viewed as permanent whores who are at the sexual disposal and violence of the dominant white male. It doesn't help that many white women romanticize this image and try to press this dangerous exoticism upon themselves.

And this is image is permanently tattooed onto these bodies.
Before you take up the decision to get a piece like this done, or any ethnic reference really, I ask you to do the research to see how your body and this image holds a place in current discourse and throughout history.